
Silent Hill 3 Diary

- entry 8 ending and final thoughts (spoilers)
I got the normal ending and as it turns out, the only ending you can get on your first playthrough. I wish my actions and choices had more of an effect on the story but at least it defaults to something good. I would like it to be called something other than "Normal" though. Even "Good" ending would be nice.

I'm quite disappointed that there are only 3 endings to this game, and one is a joke.

Overall I loved the graphics and the visuals of this game but I definitely had some gripes, particularly with the pacing and lack of player action based consquences.

Heather Cheryl's commentary throughout the game was one of my favorite things. Getting to really know her and her personality made the more mundane bits more interesting. The boss were very fun and interesting as well, and I enjoyed how much I needed to adjust my strategy to take on each one.

Cheryl was such a fun and likeable protagonist! Her joking around at the end made me so happy. I'm not sure if I will play again for the other endings since I'm not great at combat and tend to waste ammo; I think this happy ending is all I really want out of SH3.

- entry 7
I'm done! I defeated that freak Claudia and it was so fun!

The chapel was pretty straightforward though it was much harder to run past the enemies. There was a woman in the confessional and I chose not to forgive her. I don't believe in forgiving anyone on behalf of anyone else, especially their god. I also don't want to put that on Heather. I just want her to be a normal girl.

I absolutely loved seeing this super cute art from SH1 again. Not a great memory for Heather but it is for me!

The hallway at the beginning of the chapel getting more corrupted as you get closer to the end was very cool.

The notepads Harry used as save points being referenced in this game made me really happy. Getting to read his thoughts fleshes out both characters even more.

I was so worried about missing something and making the right choices so I felt very nervous at the end.

The design of the final boss was stunning. I need to issue an apology to the handgun, I would not have been able to defeat God without it. It took me a few tries but I got my strategy down: Shoot with the handgun to get her down, then shoot her in the head with the shotgun. I did run out of shotgun shells after a while but I had plenty of handgun bullets and they worked great. It took me 8 minutes to finish her off, which felt like forever.
- entry 6
I'm taking a break from playing to write this entry. I assume I'm pretty close to the end and I wanna get some thoughts in real quick.

Finishing up at Brookhaven was really simple, Leonard was a much easier boss than the one at the apartments. I didn't take any damage but I did go through all of my shotgun ammo and had to use the submachine gun to finish him off which I didn't want to do. I want to keep as much of that ammo as possible for the final boss.

What is Vincent's goal exactly?

Getting to explore the amusement park again was really cool. I really loved the haunted mansion though I would have liked it to be a bit longer.

This jumpscare made me flinch!

I feel bad for Douglas after hearing he lost his son and apparently wasn't able to provide too much as a dad. I really don't want him to also die on Heather.

Unlike the first two games I haven't looked into any endings at all and I'm starting to get concerned. I want the best possible ending for Heather and I'm doing everything I can possibly think of based on the other games. I'm worried the talisman I picked up from Leonard is an aglaophotis situation where I need to use it at an unspecified time or I will miss my window so I'm trying it on absolutely everything.

I have examined everything in my inventory including the pendant Harry gave Heather and the book he wrote about her past. After talking to Douglas I checked on him three times just in case, and tried to return his notebook to him to no avail. I found the note Harry wrote 17 years ago. I placed the doll head and red shoe by the Snow White and Cinderella statues but I have no idea what that did. I hope I'm hitting the requirements for whatever the good ending is, if there is one. Heather herself didn't do anything wrong so I really don't want to see her punished any more. I just want her to get out of this and finally heal.

Please don't die, Douglas.

I was able to kill the dark version of Heather without using any guns, and I tried the objects in my inventory just in case. I saved the game at the Chapel and I looked at every painting in there. I have the tarot card as well, which I also examined. I keep hoping I'll find something I can combine with the pendant since it has that option but nothing works yet. I just don't want to miss anything!

You can look at the rest of the drawing on the chapel map. I wonder if there's any meaning to this drawing, but mostly I'm curious if it was drawn by an actual child or if it was just an artist on the team. Either way I like it!
- entry 5
I am so in love with the visuals of the Brookhaven otherworld. It is so stunning and it more than makes up for any mundanity I felt in the first half of the game.

These dynamic scenes where the environment changes around Heather are incredible. So cool and scary! Mirror scenes in horror are classic and Silent Hill does them so well.

The puzzle for opening the doors in normal difficulty had a note written on the wall. There were two parts to the clues and I was able to open the door with just the first half, which ultimately screwed me over because I thought the second set of clues were meant for the other door and I wasted a lot of time trying to figure it out to no avail. Out of curiosity I looked up the puzzle for hard mode and it was a poem which I found really cool and was able to solve, so I'm more confident that I could take on a hard playthrough next time.

I want to know who the guy on the phone saying happy birthday is. He said it's your 31st birthday, then 24th, then first, then it was written on the wall. Is it about Heather/Cheryl/Alessa's rebirth? The birth of god? Something else?

I hate how useless the handgun is. I keep switching from handgun to katana to kill the nurses when I can't run past them. With Harry and James I mainly relied on the gun and stomped on enemies to finish them but with Heather the gun is so slow and barely does any damage.

What an iconic and memorable visual. I don't know what to do for this puzzle yet but wow. The camera position and reveal were incredible.
- entry 4
I only played for a few minutes today but I already like Brookhaven Hospital so much more than the other locations!

Heather's commentary is my favorite.

I was worried I would find the hospital a bit repetitive of a setting since it was already in SH2 even though I did really like it, but I don't feel that at all. Little things like being able to use the other elevators and having different rooms open makes it interesting to explore again.

The doll and notes disappearing and moving to different locations is so cool. How is that happening? How is Stanley Coleman influencing Heather and what she can see in Silent Hill? Who is he?

The spinning wheel animation that slowly stops when descending to the basement was such a cool touch.

The basement alone blew my mind, it was so cool. Just seeing the creeky wheelchair and the trail of blood leading to the wall covered in bulletholes was amazing. And now I have a submachine gun!

I can't wait to play some more tomorrow and see the rest of the hospital.
- entry 3
Hilltop Center was an interesting setting but not my favorite. I was stuck for a bit cause I didn't find the drawer with the rope in it after looking everywhere. The otherworld part also went by pretty quickly.

I don't know who Vincent is but he seems like a freak and I don't trust him. The guy sees Heather and immediately shits on Harry for not telling her about what happened in SH1. Why would he ever do that?! All he wants is to protect her and keep her away from all of it!

Heather is an ex smoker.

I don't mean to be too negative with this playthrough but I have some minor annoyances. One is that I wish the elevators let you walk in with a change in camera angle and single load screen like in SH2. Having a loading screen for when you walk into the elevator so you can press the button and then spawning outside of the elevator on the next floor was a bit odd. I'm being really nitpicky.

The fairytale that dealt with the first floor monster was really disappointing. I thought it would hint to how to fight it like in SH1 but the monster just disappeared offscreen after reading the page. I don't think you could even take damage from it.

Heather's comments when she interacts with stuff are really nice cause otherwise this game is very quiet and empty.

I'm choosing to believe that Harry isn't actually dead. I'm in denial, I don't want it to be true so I'm hoping there's a twist coming up.

Nope. I don't want to accept it.

Heather's room is cute. Simple, classic & cozy.

The boss fight after seeing Claudia was tough! Tougher than any boss I've encountered so far, but I'm not very good at fighting. My first try I wasted all my shotgun bullets by being stubborn and shooting it when it could parry. Turns out when you don't freak out and actually take the time to aim for an enemy's weakspot they go down a lot faster. Go figure.

I feel bad for the detective guy, though I still don't get how he ended up so involved in all of this, or why he seems to be experiencing the craziness too.

I'm so excited to be back in Silent Hill, in the same part of town as James was!

The bowling mural is still there!

I can't believe I was actually able to go into Heaven's Night! A little disappointed there wasn't any music, but that's okay.

Lady Maria?

I just got to Brookhaven Hospital and I'm really excited to go over some of these areas with Heather and see how fucked up the nurses are.
- entry 2
The subway station and underpass were alright. I haven't been bothering with enemies at all, I just run past them.

I enjoy the opportunities to die outside of normal enemy damage that have presented themselves so far (the subway, subway ghost, sewage monster.) Maybe I just haven't made it far enough into the game yet but I'm really itching to solve some riddles. Everything has been very simple and straightforward so far, every item I grab becomes immediately useful and it's a bit anticlimactic. I want to struggle a bit more, but I don't want to complain too much since it's still early in the game.

So much fun art in the subway station!

Stop real crime


Too cold out(?) / Bad artist. Might be my favorite.


"Rat" with a crown? Rat king?

The underpass was especially annoying cause of the monsters that are loud as fuck and sound like screeching metal fans and chainsaws. Making Heather jump into the nasty sewage in her pretty brown boots physically pained me.

I love her.
- entry 1
I watched an SH3 playthrough years ago so I remember Heather and some of the settings, like the mall and the subway, but not much else.

I don't really like that they took away the option to completely customize the button configuration, but at least the first set of controls matches what I'm used to. I'm playing on normal difficulty for the action and the riddles, I learned my lesson from SH2.

After playing SH1 I have to admit it took me a minute to adjust back to the 2D controls... I was really defensive at first but I may have grown to enjoy tank controls after all. Whatever...

Heather is so adorable! I love how much she has to say about everything she interacts with. You can really see her personality shine through even in the smallest moments. James was such a sad loser, and Harry was too busy in dad mode to have much to say. I'm glad to spend some time with someone a little more energetic.

Of course I remember MINMO!

From what I understand Heather = Cheryl from SH1? Right off the bat I don't trust the weird detective guy cause why are you following a child just cause you were paid to? Have a spine and reject your creepier clients, dude. Claudia with the blonde hair, bright blue eyes and generally offputting disposition is clearly involved with the same cult as Dahlia Gillespie, talking about bringing forth paradise or whatever. Stay away from Heather!!!

I'm worried about Heather, I don't want her to have to suffer through this weird Silent Hill shit. I like how spunky she is, and that she refused to stick her hand into a nasty toilet. I just want the best for her!

I don't know if I want to play for a specific ending yet. I don't actually know if there are different endings, I'm just assuming. I'd like to try playing blindly but I really want Heather to have a good ending...