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pretty things 2025
- people hearing the phone ring from the other room and yelling back "coming!" as they hurry to go answer it.
- a goldendoodle being walked does a double-take when a man skateboards by.
- two little kids, a boy and a girl, playing patty cake at the bus stop.
- the nervousness and excitement i feel when i buy a fruit for the first time and learn the proper way to cut it; today it was a honeydew melon!
- a little girl wearing a pink helmet with cat ears rides her scooter and arrives at the crosswalk before me. she stretches out an arm and with a tiny hand, red from the cold, gestures to the car on the other side to go ahead.
- two teenagers share a quick peck on the sidewalk, then look around awkwardly when they notice me walking by.
- it's the first 70 degree day of the year; a group of friends sit on a stoop sharing cigs and beers, laughing and enjoying the weather.
- a strong gust of wind blows by; a mom kneels down to hug her toddler so he won't get knocked over.
- setting a goal for myself to have a lucid dream before the end of march, and actually making it happen!
- my favorite intersection has a pie store on one corner and a pizza place on the other. it smells heavenly when i walk by.
- a man next to me at the crosswalk waves at two women across the street. they approach laughing, one of them says "i thought that was a really 'Mike' looking guy!"
- my heart skips a beat when i listen to a song i've heard a hundred times before, but it's been a while and i'm still moved by it.
- a woman apologizing to her cat and asking for forgiveness cause she accidentally stepped on her tail. humans apologizing to other animals.
- the sounds of pigeons cooing loudly outside my window.
- remembering how in love i am with this city and how alive i feel when i walk past strangers.
- fluffy wild bunny leaving tiny pawprints in the snow.
- singing loudly as i walk home cause i found $20 on the ground and i'm in a great mood.
- a group of girls laughing, talking about their weekend.
- a silly interaction between coworkers: one put his cold hands on the other's neck to make him squirm.
- slowly remembering how to ice skate; a man skates by me and waves hello.
- it snowed enough for me to make a snow angel.
- a little boy excitedly showing his mom a painting of a monkey in the art museum.
- a group of friends chuckle after seeing me nearly slip on a patch of ice and catch myself.
- as soon as the last customer of the day leaves i lock eyes with my coworker and we both scream.
- three girls watching a movie together, squealing and clapping when a character wears a pretty dress.
- being recommended a beautiful, tearjerker movie. being told definitively "you should watch it tonight."
- a mom and her toddler, jumping over cracks in the sidewalk.
- a grey house with a brown roof, next to a blue house with green curtains, next to a brick house with an orange door.