March 23, 2025
i can imagine anything!
i totally did it!! i had a lucid dream last night! i told myself i would have at least one by the end of march. i've been practicing noticing my dream signs and last night i was able to become lucid when i looked at the stars and thought
am i dreaming? i was able to have fun exploring my dream while lucid and i didn't bother trying to control it. in it i was at a bakery with taemin and we ate a bunch of donuts together until i woke up!
Current Mood: 
March 8, 2025
i'm getting annoyed
i need to spend some time redoing the site tomorrow. i'm learning a lot about myself from having this site, i think it's getting to be too much and doesn't feel right.
tonight is daylight savings time in the US so i'll be losing an hour of sleep. i'm gonna try to use the time shift as a reset to work on the habits i'm trying to build. i deep cleaned the kitchen and bathroom tonight, so i've got a head start. once i finish cleaning my room i'll make some necessary changes.
Current Mood: 
March 2, 2025
and heaven knows i'm miserable now
i had a job interview this morning and was hired on the spot. it's at an ice cream shop. i can't afford to be picky right now, and as far as food service jobs go i could do worse than scooping up ice cream. at least i'll smell sweet.
Current Mood: 
February 23, 2025
today's my lucky day!
i found $20 on the sidewalk on my way to the grocery store and was able to buy more food than i thought! plus i applied to a job that, while not incredible, might allow me to meet some cool people. i'm a really good fit for it and i'm pretty confident i'll hear back and get it! :)
Current Mood: 
grateful! lucky!
February 19, 2025
endless endless days are flying by
time hasn't felt real the last few weeks. it either slips through my fingers or it drags on for eternity. i'm very stressed and nervous that i'm still unemployed.
- applied to a couple of jobs. none too interesting, one might be okay.
- playing a game about summer vacation as a child.
- singing the same song over and over and over and over.
Current Mood:

February 9, 2025
i'm so sick of follower counts!
i hate that i'm not immune to the reward signals that get sent to my brain when i see my follower count increase. that isn't something i want. opening the neocities homepage and immediately knowing if i've been followed or unfollowed stresses me out! i don't care for the established sense of obligation
(follow4follow!) that is so prevalent across social media. follow me, unfollow me, i really don't mind! but having the numbers shoved in my face gives my brain a chemical reward, and i resent that. thankfully i found
an extension that hides the follower and view count which feels much more in line with what i wanted when i started this site. not knowing how many followers anyone has is a weight off my shoulders.
Current Mood: 
fed up
February 8, 2025
i love elliott smith
i can't really explain how comforting i find his music. i don't even particularly like talking about it because i can't quite put it into words. i've heard those songs hundreds of times and i don't get tired of them. i listened to waltz #1 tonight and my heart skipped a beat.
Current Mood: 
February 7, 2025
how rewarding!
i love how it feels to improve at a skill, especially when i've tought myself everything. the more i work on my html and css skills the more i can achieve. i keep having ideas for things that seem impossible to execute with my skillset, but i keep trying anyway and surprising myself with what i'm able to accomplish!
Current Mood: 
January 31, 2025
art is fun!!
somehow, as depressed as i am, i'm managing to be really creative! i've been tweaking my zine a bit, and i just made some new pixel art on a whim and i'm really happy with how it turned out. i wasn't even this motivated and efficient with my art when i was in art school!
Current Mood: 
January 27, 2025
i miss my bass :(
i had to give it away to a friend when i moved here. i miss playing and learning new songs, even just idly messing around with it... i hope as soon as i get a job i'm able to start saving up for a new one. i want a black ibanez with custom hot pink vinyl on the pickups. some day...
Current Mood: 
nostalgic... for music
January 26, 2025
i'm too tired to do anything
since dumbing down my phone i've done a good job at staying off of it. i haven't exactly been able to pick up other hobbies though. i've been sleeping a lot more, and even after cleaning my room from top to bottom i don't
feel like doing anything. i want to read and listen to music or even just watch some tv but i'm completely crushed under the weight of anhedonia. maybe writing this and working on my site will help.
Current Mood: 
January 21, 2025
my baby ruto!!
it makes me so happy when my kitty cuddles with me! he's the world's cutest angel and he lives in my room!!
Current Mood: 
January 20, 2025
i want to stand still for a moment
i don't want to make any more decisions right now.
Current Mood: 
January 18, 2025
all i can do is ride the wave
over the years i've made a lot of progress in managing my anger and anxiety; these days i don't doubt the validity of my emotions as much as i used to.
when it comes to my body though, there really isn't much i can do to make the pain in my chest go away. all i can do is wait. i know it'll pass eventually, but for now i just have to feel it.
Current Mood: disappointed
January 17, 2025
i can't believe i waited this long. i have been miserable for months and i finally reached my boiling point. no more wasting time in that shithole for the sake of convenience. i'm so excited to do literally anything else!! i don't even care that i'm gonna be unemployed. i'm FREE!!!
Current Mood: 
overjoyed and relieved!!!
January 16, 2025
david lynch died today
i'm listening to elliott smith right now. i hate my job. i love this city. i'm anxious about the future. i'm proud of myself for getting this far. i'm disappointed in my mental health. i'm very hungry and i have no appetite. i want to make friends, i want to watch a movie with them and sit in silence and be understood.
Current Mood: overwhelmed
January 16, 2025
like a hot, jittery teapot screaming and boiling over
nunca quedas mal con nadie - los prisionerosthe title loosely translates to
'you never let yourself be on bad terms with anyone.' it's a song about people who insist they care about protesting and enacting radical change in front of their friends, yet they're too afraid to ruffle any feathers to actually criticize their government in public. people who are so afraid of being disliked they feel the need to be friendly and agreeable with everyone, even people they themselves do not like or agree with.
for the love of god, grow a backbone.
Current Mood: 
January 16, 2025
well i thought about it some more
i can keep spinning out about all the things i hate about myself and all the ways i wish i was like someone else- or i can just let it go. it's a feeling that'll keep coming to me in life, and i have to keep pushing past it. i will never be able to hate myself into being the person i wanna be. i'm bored of it anyway.
Current Mood: very tired
January 15, 2025
i'm afraid that i'm disgusting
that my heart isn't pure. that i hold too much judgment for others and for myself. that i'm deeply, profoundly uninteresting and that knowing me is an overall net negative. can i blame this on my trauma or my mental health or anything else? will i ever come to terms with who i am and accept that i can't be every single thing i admire in others? will i always be lacking?
Current Mood: disgusted
January 14, 2025
interesting little things
i was listening to a podcast and someone said how grateful he was to be invited on by his best friend. the host replied "oh, jay, please!"
- referring to someone as "best friend"
- the exclamation "oh!"
- the word "please" as a way to dismiss someone's thanks as unnecessary
Current Mood: 
January 10, 2025
i don't want to feel this dread anymore
my job is terrible and leaves me so depressed. i'm trying really hard to keep a positive outlook but for now all i can do is wait... i want this anticipation of something better to be over with. i wanna get an interview with the job i want and i wanna be on the other side of this already.
Current Mood: 
January 7, 2025
it snowed again!!
hot pink nail polish, chick flicks, bubble baths, snow angels! just a few things that are making me happy lately!
Current Mood: 
silly :3
January 1, 2025
let's go 2025!
i'm so excited to see what's to come! this year feels special to me because i don't have as much weighing me down as i used to.
Current Mood: 
December 31, 2024
happy new year!!
i'm so excited for 2025! i'm spending the day cleaning my room and tonight i'll watch When Harry Met Sally and dance in my room at midnight! i'm not a particularly positive person but i really love the excitement of starting a new year. i can't help but be optimistic!
Current Mood: 
December 26, 2024
god get me out of here
i'm writing this on my phone during my break at work. i hate it here. i need to stop being nice and just find another job.
Current Mood: 
December 25, 2024
merry christmas
there was a single, tiny patch of snow left on the sidewalk today. i thought it had all melted already so seeing it made me happy. i watched the new nosferatu tonight and i'm left with thoughts about unconditional love.
Current Mood: 
pensive, festive
December 22, 2024
after today's shift i have a few days off for the holidays. i seriously can't wait to get it over with. i'm so tired of working.
Current Mood: 
December 21, 2024
are you fr???
my coworker is sooooo annoying!!! she keeps complaining nonstop about everyone and everything. this is a part time food service job!! you don't have to take it so seriously and you definitely shouldn't be pushing others to do more than we get paid to. i get paid minimum wage and i do my job just fine. she needs to stop being so mean cause i don't care!!!!
Current Mood: 
December 20, 2024
i'm gonna try!
i'm stressed out for many reasons (mostly my own bad choices) but this morning i feel a little better and i'm gonna run with it. i will keep doing my best to be optimistic.
Current Mood: 
December 19, 2024
december is impossible
i picked up some soup on my way home from work. there's snow on the ground and the houses are all decorated with beautiful twinkling lights. i wish i could focus on this warm feeling but i'm anxiously waiting for some news and the uncertainty is totally harshing my vibe!
Current Mood: 