

poor pluto22 is in shambles. i stepped away for two months and reworked these journal pages so much that the code is disgusting, with lots of scrapped bits i'm too tired to get rid of. oh well.

something that has been unexpectedly frustrating as i work on my site is deciding how to format dates. when i moved to the US i had to switch from day/month/year to month/day/year. i don't like that format, but i've gotten used to it. that being said, pluto22 is my space, just for me. so what format do i use? the one i like better, or the one i use every day that i've gotten used to? does anyone care? apparentely i care a lot and there is no answer that will satisfy me. i'll just have to accept that both formats may show up around here and get over it.

i deleted my old journal entries cause i wasn't happy with them. i prefer this format. i might delete these too in the future. i will probably keep making things and deleting them my whole life.

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